
Josh Foster, a participant in the 2013 NEH Summer Institute at the HOPE Center, has accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Economics at Whitman College. Josh will join at Whitman another participant in the 2013 Institute, Jen Cohen, who is also on the economics faculty. Together they look forward to collaborating on a history of economics course in the near future. Whitman College is a private liberal arts and sciences college in Walla Walla, Washington. Founded in 1882, Whitman has an enrollment of around 1,… read more about Josh Foster, a 2013 NEH Summer Institute Participant, Accepts Tenure-Track Position at Whitman College »

Mo Moulton, a participant in the 2013 Summer Institute, has published a new book with Cambridge University Press titled Ireland and the Irish in Interwar England. The book seeks to understand the extent to which the Irish disappeared from English politics, life, and consciousness after the Anglo-Irish War (1919-1921). For more information on the book, please visit the publisher's website. Mo is an historian of modern Britain and Ireland and a lecturer in history and literature at Harvard University. read more about Mo Moulton, 2013 Summer Institute Participant, Publishes New Book on Ireland »

James Bailey, a participant in the 2012 Summer Institute at the HOPE Center, has accepted a tenure-track position as an assistant professor at Creighton University. At Creighton, James will join Michael D. Thomas, a former HOPE Center fellow who is also new to Creighton. "The department is in the unusual situation of having three people who can teach history of thought, one who has been teaching it for decades, and us two new hires," James says. James will finish his PhD at Temple this spring and begin his position at… read more about James Bailey, Summer Institute Participant, Accepts Tenure-Track Position at Creighton University »

Simon Bilo, a student in the Summer Institute in 2011 and 2012, says that his time at the HOPE Center has been important to his early career success. “The Duke Center really helped me to start to build a network,” Simon says in a recent profile of the young scholar on the John William Pope Foundation website. “You really build your career on a personal network. The summer institute organized by the Center brought in some of the best people in the country and helped me to get to know them.” Simon, who is currently an… read more about Simon Bilo, Summer Institute Student, Credits HOPE Center for Early Career Success »

Michael D. Thomas, a 2008-9 HOPE Center fellow, has accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Economics and Finance of the Heider College of Business at Creighton University. He will join the faculty this fall. He is currently a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Finance of the Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. At Creighton, Michael will teach a course on the development of political economy. Congratulations to Michael! read more about Michael D. Thomas, 2008-9 HOPE Center Fellow, Accepts Tenure-Track Position at Creighton University »

Shiri Cohen Kaminitz has accepted a tenure-track position with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She credits her fellowship with the HOPE Center with playing a key role in earning the position. Shiri was a HOPE Center fellow in 2011-12. Shiri's article titled "J. S. Mill and the Value of Utility" will appear in the summer 2014 issue of History of Political Economy. Shiri, who recently married, also reports the birth of her new daughter, Roni. Our congratulations to Shiri! read more about Shiri Cohen Kaminitz Accepts Tenure-Track Position with the Hebrew University of Jersusalem »

Viviana Di Giovinazzo has received a grant from INET (the Institute for New Economic Thinking) to write an intellectual biography of Tibor Scitovsky. Scitovsky (1910–2002) was a Hungarian-born economist best known for his 1976 book The Joyless Economy: An Inquiry into Human Satisfaction and Consumer Dissatisfaction. The book took issue with the standard neoclassical account of rational choice and postwar consumer economy. According to the official project summary, the biography will reconstruct Scitovsky's personal… read more about Viviana Di Giovinazzo Receives INET Grant to Write Biography of Scitovsky »

David J. Snyder, a 2010 NEH Summer Institute Fellow at the HOPE Center, has published Rebellion in Black and White: Southern Student Activism in the 1960s (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). The book, which was edited by Dave and Robert Cohen, contains a collection of original essays that examine student involvment in such issues as desegregation, free speech, and gender equity. For more on the book, please visit the publisher's website. Dave is a lecturer in history at the University of South Carolina. read more about New Edited Volume from Summer Institute Fellow Looks at Student Activism »

Jack Russell Weinstein, a professor of philosophy at the University of North Dakota who attended the 2010 Summer Institute, has published Adam Smith's Pluralism: Rationality, Education, and the Moral Sentiments (Yale University Press, 2013). According to the publisher's website, Adam Smith's Pluralism suggests that the foundations of liberalism can be found in the writings of Smith. While offering an interpretive methodology for approaching Smith’s two major works, The Theory of Moral Sentiments read more about Jack Russell Weinstein Publishes Book on Adam Smith »

Floris Heukelom's new book, Behavioral Economics: A History, will be published in March 2014 by Cambridge University Press. According to the publisher's website, "The recurring theme [of the book] is that behavioral economics reflects and contributes to a fundamental reorientation of the epistemological foundations upon which economics had been based since the days of Smith, Ricardo, and Mill. With behavioral economics, the discipline has shifted from grounding its theories in generalized… read more about Floris Heukelom's New Book Looks at Behavioral Economics »

Harro Maas, a 2011-12 fellow of the HOPE Center, is publishing this spring Economic Methodology: A Historical Introduction (Routledge, 2014). The book will deal with such things as the inductive and deductive nature of economics, business cycle research, and experimentation in economics. For more information on the book and the full table of contents, please visit the publisher's website. Harro is an associate professor in the School of Economics at Utrecht University. read more about Harro Maas to Publish Book on Economic Methodology »

Catherine Herfeld, a 2012–13 HOPE Center fellow, successfully defended her PhD dissertation in April of this year. Her dissertation was titled "The Many Faces of Rational Choice Theory" and was written wihle a student at Witten/Herdecke University (Germany). Catherine is currently a postdoc in the Department of Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.   read more about Catherine Herfeld Successfully Defends Dissertation »

The second International Symposium on the History of Economics will take place August 5–6, 2013, at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. The symposium is being organized by Pedro Duarte and Gilberto Tadeu Lima and will bring together renowned international and local scholars in the field to discuss important aspects of macroeconomic dynamics, especially in the postwar period. The program, participants, and other details can be found on the symposium's website. The symposium is free and open to anyone who wishes to attend… read more about International Symposium on the History of Economics Will Be Held August 5-6 »

Michael Thomas, a 2008–9 HOPE Center Fellow, was recently interviewed on Fox Business by John Stossel on the subject of so-called sin taxes. The segment can be found on YouTube. On a related note, Michael published in the February 2013 issue of Kyklos an article, written with Diana W. Thomas and Nicholas A. Snow, titled "Rational Irrationality and the Political Process of Repeal: The Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform and the 21st Amendment." read more about Michael Thomas Talks Sin Taxes on Fox Business »

Goulven Rubin's 2012 HOPE article, "Don Patinkin's PhD Dissertation as the Prehistory of Disequilibrium Theories," has won the Edmond Malinvaud Prize for the best scientific paper in economics written by a scholar under the age of forty. The prize, which was granted by the Association Française de Science Economique, was announced this week. The article appears in the summer 2012 issue of HOPE (vol. 44, no. 2). Goulven is a professor of economics at the University of Lille 2 Law and Health. read more about Goulven Rubin's 2012 HOPE Article Wins Prize »

Hansjoerg Klausinger has edited to publication volumes 7 and 8 of Hayek's Collected Works. The two volumes, Business Cycles: Part 1 and Business Cycles: Part 2, were published in 2012 by the University of Chicago Press. The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek is under the general editorship of Bruce Caldwell, the director of the HOPE Center. Hansjoerg has also been assigned to edit two volumes on Hayek's monetary and business cycle theory in the German-language edition of Hayek's… read more about Volumes 7 and 8 of Hayek's Collected Writings, Edited by Hansjoerg Klausinger, Now Published »

Bruce Caldwell, the director of the HOPE Center, will present a paper to the Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Economics (HPPE) seminar at the London School of Economics on May 15. The title of Bruce's presentation is "F. A. Hayek and the 'Economic Calculus.'" By bringing together scholars from different disciplines, the HPPE provides a platform for discussing the historical evolution of economic thinking and its philosophical implications. read more about Bruce Caldwell to Present at HPPE Seminar »

Rob Van Horn, along with Monica Van Horn, has published a very interesting article on the uses of music in teaching the history of economics. The article appears in volume 44, number 1, of the Journal of Economic Education. Rob, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Rhode Island, has been a frequent visitor at the Center and is a coeditor of Building Chicago Economics: New Perspectives on the History of America’s Most Powerful Economics Program (Cambridge University Press, 2011). read more about Rob Van Horn Publishes Article on Music as a Pedagogical Tool »

Scott Scheall, a PhD student in philosophy at Arizona State University and a participant in the 2012 Summer Institute, has successfully defended his dissertation, "Slaves of the Defunct: The Epistemic Intractability of the Hayek-Keynes Debate." Scott will be presenting a paper on Hayek and aprorism at the 2013 HES conference in June in Vancouver. He will spend the 2013–14 academic year as a fellow of the HOPE Center. read more about Scott Scheall, 2012 Summer Institute Participant, Defends Dissertation on the Hayek-Keynes Debate »

Tiago Mata, a HOPE Center fellow in 2010–11, is well into the first year of a five-year research project that examines journalism and economics. Titled "Economics in the Public Sphere," the project is studying “economic journalism” as a site for the production of public economic knowledge. "The project is running at full speed," Tiago reports, with two workshops scheduled for this year: "Interrogating Economics in the Public Sphere" (April 18–19) and "Economic Reason: Intellectuals and Think Tanks in the Late Twentieth… read more about Tiago Mata Leading Research Program that Examines Journalism and Economics »

Roger E. Backhouse and Mauro Boianovsky have published Transforming Modern Macroeconomics: Searching for Disequilibrium Foundations, 1956–2003 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). According to the publisher's website, "This book tells the story of the search for disequilibrium micro-foundations for macroeconomic theory, from the disequilibrium theories of Patinkin, Clower, and Leijonhufvud to recent dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with imperfect competition. Placing this search against the… read more about Roger Backhouse and Mauro Boianovsky Look at Modern Macroeconomics in a New Book »

José Edwards, a fellow of the Center in 2010–11, has published two new papers. "Consumer Power and Market Control: Exploring Consumer Behaviour in Affluent Contexts (1946–1980)" will appear in the European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. The paper explores the emergence and decline of two postwar, unorthodox views of consumer behavior: the view of the powerful consumer and the view of market control by producers. "The History of the Use of Self-Reports and the Methodology of Economics" appears… read more about Jose Edwards Publishes Two New Papers »

Elizabeth Victor, a student in the 2010 Summer Institute, was awarded her PhD in philosophy this past August from the University of South Florida. She is currently a visiting instructor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where she is developing an interdisciplinary Business and Society course that will have as a basis much of the history of economics she learned at the Summer Institute. Elizabeth will teach the course in the spring 2013 semester. read more about Elizabeth Victor, 2010 Summer Institute Student, Awarded PhD, Is Developing HIstory-Based Course »

Dr. Mark Wilson presented a paper entitled “The Value of Archival Research in Economics” at the Kentucky Economic Association’s 2012 Annual Meeting. The meeting was held in Georgetown, Kentucky, on October 26. Mark's work is an extension of Roy Weintraub’s paper “Archiving the History of Economics” (with Meardon, Gayer, and Banzhaf, Journal of Economic Literature, 1998). Mark is an associate professor of economics at West Virginia University Tech. He attended Duke’s 2010 History of Economic Thought Summer… read more about Mark Wilson Presented Paper on Archival Research at the Kentucky Economic Association Meetings »

James Bailey, a participant in the 2011 and 2012 Summer Institute at the Center for the History of Political Economy, is scheduled to teach a course in the history of economics at Temple University in the spring of 2013. It will be the first time a history of economics course has been offered at Temple since Ingrid Rima retired two years ago. read more about James Bailey Revives the History of Economics Course at Temple University »