2017 Summer Institute

The 2017 Summer Institute will take place over a two week period, from June 4 through June 16, 2017 in the Social Science Building at Duke University. Applicants may apply to come for the first week only, for the second week only, or for both weeks. 

The First Week will focus on giving participants the tools to set up and teach their own undergraduate course in the history of economic thought. The sessions will cover ideas from the Scholastics through Keynes and Hayek, and there will also be discussions on ways to approach such a course. The sessions will be run by the Center Director, Bruce Caldwell.

The Second Week will be thematic and will reprise the highly successful sessions run by Kevin Hoover and Steve Medema in the 2015 Summer Institute. Kevin will provide a history of the development of macroeconomics, and Steve will present a history of economists' thinking on market failures, from Adam Smith through Ronald Coase and the Chicago School.

Successful applicants who are not locally based will be provided with housing (double occupancy) in a hotel near West Campus and proximate to the Social Science building where sessions will be held. Participants will also receive a booklet of readings. Reimbursements for air travel (up to a maximum of $500) for those coming from afar will be made available on a case by case basis.

Duke, which boasts five specialists in the field on its faculty, is home to the Center for History of Political Economy, a center whose mission is to promote and support research in, and the teaching of, the history of political economy. The premier journal in the field, History of Political Economy, is published here. 

Topics in the History of Economics
Program and Readings
2017 Summer Institute
Topics in the History of Economics

-The structure is the same both weeks. There are 2 sessions a day, Monday through Thursday, and a final morning session on Friday. The sessions are 2 hours long. The morning sessions are from 9:30-11:30 am, and the afternoon sessions are from 2:00-4:00 pm. There will be a short break (5-10 minutes) half way through each session.

-The two weeks will be set up differently. During the first week, Bruce will be the sole lecturer. He will present a mini-history of economics survey course, providing content and also discussing how to set up and teach such a course.  Because there is a lot of material, we may extend each session as needed to make sure we are able to cover it all.  It is essential for students to get a good start on reading the material before coming to Duke.  

-During the second week, Kevin and Steve will be the main lecturers, and they will split the first (Monday morning) session.

-Steve will then present a series of lectures in the mornings on the development of market failure analysis from Smith through Coase, and end with a session Thursday afternoon on the Chicago School.

-For his one hour on Monday morning, and during the afternoons on Monday through Wednesday, Kevin will “flip the classroom.” You will be assigned videos to watch and a set of readings for each session. The sessions will then be devoted to discussing issues raised in the videos and readings.  The Monday morning session has one video assigned to it, and each of the remaining sessions has 2 videos assigned, so that each video will have one hour of class time for discussion. Students should prepare a couple of questions for each session that can be used to generate discussion.  

-The final session of week 2 on Friday will be run by Bruce and, in the first hour, will cover Hayek. You will have readings and a video to watch, and class time will be devoted to discussion. The second hour will be a feedback session, where you can let Bruce know your reactions to the SI. 

Sunday June 4

3 pm-6 pm   Participants check into hotel

6:30 pm, Welcome Dinner, at The Center for the History of Political Economy, Social Sciences Building

WEEK ONE (June 5-9)

Monday June 5:  

Session 1 – Introductions of Program and Participants; Tips on Setting Up a History of Thought Course – Caldwell

Session 2 – Scholasticism, Mercantilism and Physiocracy – Caldwell  

  • Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, excerpts. In Steven Medema and Warren Samuels, eds. The History of Economic Thought: A Reader (2nd ed., New York: Routledge, 2013), pp. 18-27. (Henceforth readings found in this book will be noted by M&S.)
  • Jacob Viner, “Mercantilist Thought” (1968), in Jacob Viner, Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics, Douglas Irwin, ed.  (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991), pp. 262-76.
  • Thomas Mun, England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade (1664), chapters 2-4, in M&S, pp. 35-44.
  • François Quesnay, Tableau Economique, picture of the Tableau, in M&S, pp. 106-08.

Supplementary Reading: Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers (6th. Ed., New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), chapters 1 & 2. A nice intro to the Economic Revolution that spawned more systematic  thinking about economics.
Lars Magnusson, Mercantilism: The Shaping of Economic LanguageLondon: Routledge, 1994, especially chapters 1 & 2. The historiography of mercantilism.

Tuesday June 6:

Session 3 – The Scottish Enlightenment and Adam Smith – Caldwell

  • Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1766), excerpts.
  • Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776] R. H. Campbell, A. S. Skinner, and W. B. Todd, eds. (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1981), Smith’s Introduction and Plan of the Work; Book I, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 (sections 1-4, 11-18), 5 (sections 1-17), 6 (sections 1-10), 7, 10c (section 27 – p. 145), 11p (sections 7-10, pp. 265-67). Book II, chapter 3 (sections 1 -3, 12 -18, 30-32); Book IV, chapter 1 (sections 1 – 10), 2 (sections 1-15, 23-24, 31, 37-38, 40, 43).
  • Jacob Viner, “Adam Smith and Laissez-Faire” (1927), in Jacob Viner, Essays, op. cit., pp. 85-113.

Session 4 – More on Smith; a Quick Look at Malthus and Ricardo – Caldwell

  • Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)excerpts, in M&S, pp. 210-225.
  • Henry William Spiegel, The Growth of Economic Thought (3rd ed., Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991), Chapter 14, pp. 308-12, 319-331.

Supplementary Reading: George Stigler, “Ricardo and the 93 Per Cent Labor Theory of Value,” in Essays in the History of Economics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965), pp. 326-42.

Wednesday June 7:

Sessions 5 and 6  – Marx – Caldwell

From Robert Tucker, The Marx-Engels Reader. NY: Norton, 1978.

  • Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy [1859] (pp. 3-6)
  • “The Communist Manifesto” (pp. 473-91; 499-500. Omit section III.)
  • “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific” (pp. 681-717)
  • A taste of Das Kapital: I, chapter 7, sec. 2 (pp. 351-61); I, chapter 25 (pp. 419-31)

Thursday June 8:
Session 7 – Marginalism, and the Methodenstreit – Caldwell

  • Mark Blaug “Was There a ‘Marginal Revolution’?” History of Political Economy, vol. 4, Fall 1972, pp. 269-80.
  • Bruce Caldwell, Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), pp. 17-35.
  • Philip Mirowski, “Physics and the ‘Marginalist Revolution’,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1984, vol. 8, pp. 361-79.

Supplementary Reading: E. Roy Weintraub, “Burn the Mathematics (Tripos),” How Economics Became a Mathematical Science (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), chapter 1.
Caldwell, Hayek’s Challenge, chapters 2-5.

Session 8 – Marshall, American Institutionalism, and Schumpeter – Caldwell 

  • Alfred Marshall, The Principles of Economics, 8th ed. (1920): Book I, chapters 1, 4; Book V, chapters 1-3.
  • Thorstein Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class [1899], chapter 2, “Pecuniary Emulation," in M&S, pp. 645-50.  
  • Malcolm Rutherford, The Institutionalist Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947: Science and Social Control, chapter 1.
  • Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942), Chapter 7.

Supplementary Reading, Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class, chapters 3-4, in M&S, pp. 650-75.

7:05, Durham Bulls Baseball Game, Durham Bulls Stadium  

Friday June 9:

Session 9 – Keynes – Caldwell

  • John Maynard Keynes, “The End of Laissez-Faire”[1926],  in M&S, pp. 622-25.  
  • Keynes, J. M. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1936), Chapter 2, pp. 18-22; Chapter 3, pp. 32-34; Chapter 12; Chapter 22, pp. 313-320, Chapter 24.
  • Bradley Bateman, “Keynes and Keynesianism,” in The Cambridge Companion to Keynes, edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Bradley W. Bateman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 2006, pp. 271-90.

11:30am – 2pm, Participants who are leaving after Week 1, check out of hotel and depart

Sunday, June 11:

2-6 pm,   Week 2 participants arrive and register at hotel

WEEK TWO (June 12 to 16)

Monday June 12:

Session 10 – Adam Smith and the Classical Roots of Market Failure Analysis – Steve Medema (1st hour)

  • Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1976. (pp. 687-688, 724-731, 814-816).

The Background to Modern Macroeconomics (before the 1930s) – Kevin Hoover (2nd hour; discuss video)

  • Antoine Murphy, The Genesis of Macroeconomics, ch. 5 (pp. 99-114).
  • Arie Arnon, Monetary Theory and Policy From Hume and Smith to Wicksell, ch. 17 (pp. 352-356).
  • Mary Morgan, The History of Econometric Ideas, ch. 2 (pp. 40-68)

Supplementary Reading: Irving Fisher, The Purchasing Power of Money (1911), ch. 3.
David Laidler, Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution, ch. 5 (pp. 105-116).

Session 11– Will Cover the Following 2 Video Lectures – Class time will be devoted to discussion 

The Great Depression:  Keynes and His Critics (the 1930s) – Hoover

  • J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, (pp 4-17, 27-32, 96-99, 113-119, 135-137, 148-158, 161-163, 199-204, 313-320).

Supplementary Reading:  David Laidler, Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution, ch. 2.
J.R. Hicks, “Mr. Keynes and the Classics,” in Critical Essays in Monetary Theory.

Macroeconometrics and the New Economics (1930-1950) – Hoover

  • Mary Morgan, The History of Econometric Ideas, ch. 3 (pp. 79-100); ch. 4, (pp. 101-130).

Supplementary Reading:  Frisch, Ragnar, “Propagation Problems and Impulse Problems in Dynamic Economics,” in Economic Essays in Honor of Gustav Cassel, (pp. 171-205).
Lawrence Klein, The Keynesian Revolution, (pp. 56-90, 165-187).
Lerner, Abba, “Functional Finance and the Federal Debt,” Social Research 10(1), 1943, (pp. 468-478).

Tuesday June 13:

Session 12 – The Growth of Market Failure analysis: Utilitarian and Neoclassical Influences – Medema

  • J. S. Mill, Principles of Political Economy. London: Longmans, Green, 1848. (pp. 479-83, 567-91).
  • ​A.C. Pigou, The Economics of Welfare, 4th edn. London: Macmillan, 1932. (pp. 31-42, 131-135, 172-203, 329-335)
  • Francis M. Bator, “The Anatomy of Market Failure,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 72 (August 1958), (pp. 351-79).

Session 13 – Will Cover the Following Video Lectures – Class time will be devoted to discussion 

The Empirical Microfoundations of Macroeconomics (1945-1970) – Hoover (video)

  • David Laidler, The Demand for Money, ch. 6 (pp. 62-76)..
  • Ronald Bodkin and Lawrence Klein, A History of Econometric Model Building, ch. 3 (pp. 56-80); ch. 4 (pp. 95-108).

Supplementary Reading:  Milton Friedman.  (1957) A Theory of the Consumption Function, (pp. 3-7, 20-37).

The Problem of Inflation (1950-1970) – Kevin Hoover (video)

  • A.W.H. Phillips, “The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wages in the United Kingdom 1961-1957,” Economica NS 25 (100), 1958, (pp.283-299) in M&S.
  • Paul A. Samuelson, and Robert M. Solow, “Analytical Aspects of Anti-inflation Policy,”  American Economic Review 50 (2), 1960, (pp. 187-194).
  • Milton Friedman, “The Role of Monetary Policy,” American Economic Review 58 (1), (pp.1-17) in M&S.

Supplementary Reading:  James Forder, “The Historical Place of the 'Friedman-Phelps' Expectations Critique,” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 17(3), 2010, (pp. 493-511).

Wednesday June 14:

Session 14 – The Virginia-Chicago Challenge – Medema

  • James M. Buchanan, “Positive Economics, Welfare Economics, and Political Economy,” Journal of Law and Economics 2 (October 1959), (pp. 124-38).
  • Ronald H. Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost,” Journal of Law and Economics 3 (October 1960), (pp. 1-44).

Session 15 – Will Cover the Following Video Lectures – Class time will be devoted to discussion 

The Monetarist Counter-Revolution (1955-1975) – Kevin Hoover (video)

  • Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, ch. 13 (pp. 676-700 and charts 62, 64).
  • Nicholas Kaldor, The New MonetarismLloyd’s Bank Review, 1970, pp. 1-17.

Supplementary Reading:  James Tobin, “The Monetarist Counter-Revolution Today – an Appraisal,” Economic Journal, 91(361), March 1981, pp. 29-42.
J. Daniel Hammond, Theory and Measurement:  Causality Issues in Milton Friedman's Monetary Economics, (pp. 124-139).

New Classicals and New Keynesians (1970-1985) – Kevin Hoover (video)

  • David Laidler, “The New-Classical Contribution to Macroeconomics,” in David Laidler, A Macroeconomics Reader.  London:  Routledge, 1997, (pp. 334-58).
  • James Hartley, Kevin Hoover, and Kevin Salyer, “The Limits of Business Cycle Research,” in Hartley, Hoover, and Salyer, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 13(3), (pp. 34-54).

Supplementary Reading: Kevin D. Hoover and Warren Young, Rational Expectations: Retrospect and Prospect: A Panel Discussion with Michael Lovell, Robert Lucas, Dale Mortensen, Robert Shiller, and Neil Wallace,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17, 2013. pp. 1169–1192.

4:00pm – Visit David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Thursday June 15:

Session 16 – The Coase Theorem Controversy – Medema

  • Stansilaw Wellisz, “On External Diseconomies and the Government-Assisted Invisible Hand,” Economica 31 (November 1964), (pp. 345-62).
  • George J. Stigler, The Theory of Price, 3rd edn. New York: Macmillan, 1966, (pp. 110-14).
  • G. Warren Nutter, “The Coase Theorem on Social Cost: A Footnote,” Journal of Law and Economics 11 (October 1968), (pp. 503-507).
  • G.A. Mumey, “The ‘Coase Theorem’: A Reexamination,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 85 (November 1971), (pp. 718-23).
  • E.J. Mishan, “Pangloss on Pollution,” Swedish Journal of Economics 73 (March 1971), (pp. 113-20).

Session 17 – The Chicago School – Medema

  • H. Laurence Miller, “On the Chicago School of Economics,” Journal of Political Economy 70 (February 1962), (pp. 64-69).
  • Melvin Reder, “Chicago Economics: Permanence and Change,” Journal of Economic Literature 20 (March 1982), (pp. 1-38).

Supplementary Reading: Edmund W. Kitch, “The Fire of Truth: A Remembrance of Law and Economics at Chicago, 1932-1970,” Journal of Law and Economics 26 (April 1983): 163-234.

6:30 pm, Closing Dinner at Devil's Krafthouse, West Union Building Basement

Friday June 16:

Session 18 – F. A. Hayek, His Life and Ideas – Bruce Caldwell (video)

  • Handout on Hayek 
  • F. A. Hayek, “The Use of Knowledge in Society” [1945], reprinted in The Market and Other Orders, edited by Bruce Caldwell, volume 15 (2014) of The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, chapter 3 (pp. 93-104).
  • F. A. Hayek, “Individualism: True and False” [1945], reprinted in Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason: Texts and Documents, edited by Bruce Caldwell, volume 13 (2010) of The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek. Prelude (pp. 46-74).

The final hour of Session 18 will be a Summer Institute Wrap-Up – no readings.

Participants check out of hotel and depart

Bruce Caldwell is a Research Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University. He is the author of Beyond Positivism: Economic Methodology in the 20th Century (1982), of Hayek's Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek (2004), and since 2002 has served as the General Editor of The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, a multi-volume collection of Hayek’s writings. A past president of the History of Economics Society and of the Southern Economic Association, he is currently working on a family-authorized  biography of Hayek. When he's not working on Hayek, he doesn't know what to do, but sometimes he fills his time with tennis and golf.
Kevin Hoover is Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Duke University. Educated at the College of William and Mary, the University of St. Andrews, and Balliol College, Oxford, he has previously held positions at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, University of Oxford (Balliol College, Nuffield College, and Lady Margaret Hall), and the University of California, Davis. He is past president of the History of Economics Society, past chairman of the International Network for Economic Method, past editor of the Journal of Economic Methodology, and current editor of the journal History of Political Economy. He is the author of more than one hundred books and articles in a variety of areas, including the history of economics, macroeconomics and monetary economics, and the methodology and philosophy of economics and econometrics.
Steven G. Medema is Professor of Economics, President's Teaching Scholar, and the Director of the University Honors and Leadership Program at the University of Colorado Denver. He received his B.A. from Calvin College and his PhD from Michigan State University. Dr. Medema is the author of numerous scholarly books and articles, including The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas (Princeton, 2009) and Economics and the Law: From Posner to Post Modernism and Beyond (Princeton, 2006). He served as Editor of the Journal of the History of Economic Thought from 1999-2008 and as President of the History of Economics Society in 2009-10. Dr. Medema's current research project explores the history of the use of the Coase theorem in economics, law and beyond.

John Anders is a PhD student in Economics at Texas A&M University, whose research focuses on various issues in applied microeconomics including the long run impact of early childhood policy and education policy.  Before pursuing an Econ degree, John graduated from St. John's College where he studied the Great Books and the History of Ideas quite broadly.  After that, John worked on a Philosophy M.A. at the University of Pittsburgh where his work focused on Aristotle, Kant and Hegel.  While teaching philosophy classes, John earned an M.A in Econ which led him to his current PhD program.  John's general interest in the history of ideas entails an interest in understanding the history of economics thought and how it fits into a broader narrative of the development of Western Thought.  Because he thinks that seeing the origin of current concepts and ideas helps us to think with them today, John is also interested in how history of economic thought can help us when we do contemporary, data-driven research.  The Summer Institute seems like a great chance to explore all these interests!

Grigory Bazhenov is a junior researcher at Moscow State University. He has recently received his Ph.D. in Economics defending the thesis "The relationship between power and market in treatment of the newest representatives of the Austrian school (1970-2010)." He teaches at the Department of History of National Economy and Economic Thought. His discipline is called "History of economic thought", as well as the course "Determinants of consumer choice." However, his main activity is concentrated in the field of scientific research. Areas of his scientific interests are history of economic doctrines, heterodox directions of economic theory, sociology of economic science, epistemology and methodology of economic science, evolutionary economic theory, neuroeconomics, bioeconomics. At the moment he is developing a theory of socio-economic hierarchies and mechanisms of self-identification. Grigory hopes to find fellow-minded colleagues from other countries within the Summer Institute, with whom further joint research could be conducted, as well as to gain useful experience of interdisciplinary interaction.

Carolin Benack is a doctoral student in English at Duke University. She holds a master's in North American Studies with concentrations in literature and economics from the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, where she also worked as a TA in the Economics Department, and as an assistant in the research group "Fictions of Management." She spent the academic year of 2011/12 as an exchange student in the English Department at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests include feminist theory, the novel, and epistemologies of economic relations. 

Andrea Cabello is a Professor of Economics at University of Brasilia, in Brazil. She received all her degrees (B.A, M.A and PhD) from that same University. Her primary interests are Latin American History of Economic Thought and Economy, Innovation, Globalization and University Management. She coordinates in Brazil the Erasmus Mundus Economics of Globalisation and European Integration Master's Degree and has taught at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, Prague's School of Economics in the Czech Republic and University of Cantabria in Spain. She hopes to broaden her interests in the Summer Institute and deepen her exposure to the classics as a way to better understand the influences Latin American thinkers were under during the 20th century. She enjoys indoor biking, traveling and a good meal.

Gabriel Oliva Cunha is a PhD student in Economics at Duke University. His research interests are on development economics, political economy and history of economic thought. He holds a bachelor's and a master's in Economics, both from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gabriel was a HOPE Center fellow in 2015, when he wrote the paper "The Road to Servomechanisms: The Influence of Cybernetics on Hayek from The Sensory Order to the Social Order," for which he was awarded the Warren Samuels Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. He hopes to improve his expertise on History of Economic Thought and meet interesting people during the Summer Institute.

Maxwell Deaton

Thomas Delcey begins his first year as a Ph.D student in Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne. He is also a teaching assistant in the department of Economy at Paris 1 Panteon Sorbonne University.  His interests include History of Economic Thought, Economic Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.  His research is focused on Paul Samuelson and History of Efficient Market Hypothesis. He is also interested by epistemology of finance, expecially the signification given to the probability in Financial Economics.  Thomas has received a scholarship for a 3 months stay in Durham between April and June 2017.  He will work on the Samuelson's archives stocked at Duke in the David M. Rubenstein Library.  The Summer Institute is an occasion to meet other researchers/students and improve his expertise on History of Economic Thought.

Alfonso Diaz Vera is a Ph. D. student at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) and a professional economist working for the Spanish Government. He earned a MA in Humanities at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) and a BA in Economics at Universidad de Alicante. His interests lie in the History of Economic Thought and especially in the intersections between Economics and other fields like History, Sociology and Philosophy. His current research concerns the possibility of contributions to classical economic debates from these fields. His lastest dissertation investigates the influence of English historian and journalist Hilaire Belloc in the economic thought of Friedrich A. Hayek. 

Andrew Elrod is a graduate student and teaching assistant in the history department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His writing has appeared in Dissent, New Labor Forum, and n+1 among other places.

Mackenzie Endress is an economics PhD student at Northwestern University. He received his BA in economics and mathematics from Beloit College. During which, he also took part in The London School of Economic's General Course. His interests include political economy, public choice, and new institutional economics, with an emphasis on voting theory and constitutional choice. He is hoping to build upon his recent experience as a teaching assistant for a course on the history of economic thought. 

Stephen Farrington (left) is a graduate student at the University of South Florida.  His research interests are monetary economics, capital markets, and business cycle theory, with a special enthusiasm for the competing theories of interest rates.  Business cycles have affected his personal life, perhaps disproportionately, and this motivates his research.  Stephen believes that historical debates and controversies are the most effective and most stimulating way to quickly gain a mastery of any field, but this is especially true in economics.  Few things are more fun and educational than stumbling across Jacob Viner and H.P. Davenport debating over who really bears the cost of war.  Stephen's only extracurricular activity consists of spending time with the love of his life (right), who is an economics PhD student also at the University of South Florida.  On those rare occasions that we can afford the time away from school, we both like canoeing, hiking, and camping."

Matt Frank is a Director in Financial Industry Advisory Services at Alvarez and Marsal in New York.  He manages data and models finances to make companies robust; his clients include banks, insurance companies, and state governments.  The topics of the summer seminar are relevant for him as he helps banks navigate the market failures of financial crises and their aftermaths, and as he investigates distributional impacts from macroeconomic factors.  He also has researched utility theory and its history, motivated by his work in risk management.  He has an MS in math and PhD in history of science from the University of Chicago.

Yutaka Furuya is an associate professor of history of economic thought in the Faculty of Economics at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He received his BA, MA, and Ph.D. in Economics from University of Tokyo. He has been working on British economic thoughts in the 18th Century, particularly on the economic theory of Sir James Steuart. By participating in the Institute, he wishes to develop his skill and capacity as a researcher/teacher of history of economic thought. Yutaka is currently a fellow at the Center for the History of Political Economy.

Ryan George is a lecturer in the Economics Department at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  He teaches undergraduate courses in the areas of economic theory, quantitative methods, economic history, and recently the history of economic thought.  He hopes to deepen his understanding of the HET by attending the Summer Institute. Ryan studied economics at the graduate level at the University of Toronto before completing a PhD in history at McMaster (Hamilton, Ontario) examining interwar slums in Toronto as housing market phenomena, and political and social scientific constructions.

Monica Hernandez, born in El Salvador where she obtained her BS in economics. She has earned an MA in the same field at the New School for Social Research on a Fulbright scholarship. She is currently a PhD candidate of economics at the latter institution. Her research interests are on the history of economic thought (labor unions as well as the notion of co-operation) and on international monetary and financial economics. She looks forward to learn more on the teaching of the history of economics at the SI. Monica loves meeting people from different cultures, meeting with friends, running, and hiking.

Elias Huber received a Bachelor degree in economics from the University of Mannheim in Germany. Currently he is a PhD student at the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. His thesis is about the economic thought of the German free trade movement in the midst of the 19th century. His interest centers on German economic thought of the 19th century since he read the research by Erich Streissler. In his freetime, he plays the piano, the accordion and soccer.

Gentry Johnson is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Maryland. He is interested in industrial organization, game theory, econometrics, and machine learning. Currently, his research spans traditional topics in IO such as demand estimation, all the way to the theoretical aspects of voting mechanism design. At the Institute he hopes to enrich his understanding of the foundations of economic thought--which inform all levels of research in the field. He credits David Hume and Adam Smith with much of his early intellectual awakening and particularly looks forward to re-engaging with their work as well.

Tomáš Kristofory is a PhD student in Trnava. Tomáš has studied at the University of Economics in Prague and he’s taught economics at the Mendel University in Brno. He has spent a longer academic stay at the Hegel-Archiv in Bochum. He specializes in the history of economic thought and philosophy. He works on the Scottish enlightenment, Hegel, Austrian school and its interactions with Czechoslovak economic thought. His upcoming dissertation is on archival findings in Hayek’s theory of cultural and religious evolution. At the institute, he is looking forward to exchange ideas with people of diverse backgrounds.

Christina Laskaridis is a PhD candidate in the Economics Department of SOAS, University of London, UK.  Her research examines the role of debt from different theoretical perspectives and the underlying frameworks relevant to the debt sustainability literature. Christina is a former advisor to the Hellenic Parliament’s Debt Audit Commission and her interest in history of economic thought originates from her work on the European crisis. Research interests include the monetary debates of the Classical period and the evolution of the international monetary system. Christina is currently a teaching assistant at SOAS engaging undergraduates with modern macroeconomics through an appreciation of its historical development and evolving controversies. 

Christopher Lee is an associate professor of history at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. His books include: Making a World after Empire: The Bandung Moment and Its Political Afterlives (2010), Unreasonable Histories: Nativism, Multiracial Lives, and the Genealogical Imagination in British Africa (2014), and Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanism (2015). He is currently interested in the history of economic thought in Africa, specific to Kwame Nkrumah.

Erik Matson is a graduate lecturer and doctoral candidate in the department of economics at George Mason University. He is also an adjunct lecturer at The King’s College, New York. Erik’s research focuses on the history and philosophy of Scottish political economy, particularly in the thought of David Hume and Adam Smith.”

Up Sir Nukulkit is a Ph.D. student and instructor at the University of Utah. His research areas are in macroeconomics, development, and history of economic thought. He is working on the the Cambridge controversy and macroeconomic modeling. Before Utah, he receives a master degree from the University of Denver. He is originally from Bangkok, Thailand. He is looking forward to learn from the summer institute faculties and the fellow participants .

Armando Perez-Gea  researches institutions, particularly the justification, classification, and design of state institutions. His project originates in the political theory subfield and engages with the other subfields, especially formal theory and political economy.  

Before coming to Yale, he was a lecturer at ITAM’s economics department and a researcher at CNA Education. His previous studies were at Stanford, where he completed an MA in philosophy and undergrad programs in economics, political science, and public policy.

Joao Paulo Fonseca Rodrigues is an economics PhD student at the University of Minnesota. He received his BA in economics and mathematics from Saint John's University. Before entering his PhD, he worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute as a research assistant where he focused on structural change issues in developing countries. Joao enjoys economic research that challenges conventional models and hopes to draw new lessons from interactions at the institute.    

Ryan Rudderham is a Ph.D. student of economics at the University of Iowa, researching topics in Macroeconomics, International Finance, and Political Economy.  Prior to coming to the University of Iowa, Ryan studied economics and mathematics at the University of Florida.  His interest in history of thought stems from a desire to understand the principles and personalities which shape the modern field of Economics, as well as a desire to contextualize relevant concepts in his teaching.  Ryan lives with his wife, Giang, in Iowa City, and together they enjoy audiobooks, cooking, and theater.

Piruz Saboury is a Ph.D. student of economics at Texas A&M University. His research interest is development economics. Currently, he is working on a theoretical analysis of charitable fundraising under informational constraints. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Amir Kabir University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. Before coming to Texas, he worked as an engineer in a family business of manufacturing industrial ventilation equipment. He started his current career path by coming to Texas to study financial economics. He received his master’s degree in economics from Texas A&M University in 2014, and later in the same year, he entered the Ph.D. program. He is interested in understanding the interaction between economic thought and the reality of economies throughout history and how this interaction has contributed to the development of societies.

Dario Sansone is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at Georgetown University. Before winning a scholarship to study in the US, he completed his Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Economics at the University of Turin. He has worked as Consultant and Research Assistant for several institutions such as the World Bank, VU University, CeRP - Collegio Carlo Alberto, Liser. His main research topics are Gender Economics, Economics of Education, and Applied Econometrics.

Alex Sassaki, University of Sao Paulo

Andrew Seal is a recent PhD in American Studies at Yale University. He is currently at work turning his dissertation, "The Common Man: An Intellectual History of the New Middle Class, 1880-1950," into a book. Before Yale, Andrew attended Dartmouth College, where he graduated summa cum laude with a double major in English and Religion. Andrew now teaches economic history at the University of New Hampshire, and spends his off-hours worrying about the state of the Red Sox pitching staff and the general condition of Everton Football Club. He has published in Dissentn+1, and the Chronicle of Higher Education Review.

Stefan Slok-Madsen is a Ph.D. fellow at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He holds a BSc in Business and Philosophy, and an MSc in business and economics, majoring in finance and strategy from CBS. He had an active business career in PE and Startup before returning to academia where his main interest is commercialization. He teaches his own elective in sales and pricing, and master-level advanced behavioral economics. He recently signed a book deal with Palgrave Macmillan to write the history of Danish Capitalism. He loves the history of economic thought and hopes to gain further insights for his research and teaching. In his spare time, he enjoys watching Millwall FC and collecting punk records.

Forrest Spence is an assistant professor of the practice at the University of Notre Dame.  He received his B.S. from the University of South Carolina in mathematics and Russian language and literature in 2009.  He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Economics in 2015.  He currently teaches principles of microeconomics and an undergraduate senior thesis course.  His research interests fall under industrial organization with a focus on consumer learning.

Chris Surro is a 3rd Year PhD student studying economics at UCLA. He is originally from Massachusetts and did his undergraduate work at Umass Amherst. His research interests are centered in macroeconomics with a focus on the aggregate implications of firm pricing behavior. He also has a strong interest in the history of thought and economic methodology more broadly and he hopes that this program will expand his knowledge in those areas. Outside of economics, Chris is a big New England sports fan, and enjoys running and playing basketball.

Luke Thorburn completed a Bachelor of Science (majoring in mathematics & statistics) at the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2016. He is currently on a self-imposed 6-month sabbatical before continuing with a Masters degree specialising in Statistics & Stochastic Processes in July 2017, and is looking into complexity theory as a possible research area. He maintains an active interest in economics, and is constantly pleasantly surprised at how willing high-profile academics are to correspond about their research. Luke looks forward to clarifying and contextualising his understanding of the various schools of economic thought during the second week of the institute.

Zheng Lawrence' Wei will enter his third year of the Economics Ph.D. program at UC Santa Barbara in the fall. Originally from China, he graduated from the University of Washington with BS degrees in Economics and mathematics. Lawrence's primary areas of interest are macroeconomics and development economics. At the Duke Summer Institute, he hopes to broaden his horizons of the history of economic thought to benefit his teaching and research in the future. In his spare time, you can find him playing badminton, cooking delicious cuisines, or getting outside and enjoy nature.

Neal James Wilson is a PhD student at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. My dissertation research is on the relationship between housing and chronic disease, specifically childhood lead poisoning. This is related to an abiding interest in the larger categories of public health, public goods, and the history of both ideas. I have written on the conversation between Public Choice as articulated by James Buchanan and contemporary Post-Keynesian thought, am currently the student representative to the board of the Association for Institutional Thought, and preside over the collaborative Museum of Bottled Water.

Aisling Winston is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. She holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Southern California and an MA in Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.  Her primary interest is international political economy, particularly the nexus of trade, development, and security.  While at the Summer Institute, she hopes to more fully explore the evolution of modern economic theory, with the intention of bringing a more diverse set of perspectives into her own instruction of economics. 

Yucheng Yang is currently a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interest mainly lies in the interaction of macroeconomics and applied mathematics. In the summer institute, he hopes to learn more about how great economists view and debate about macroeconomic issues in the history, and how to formulate their views in a modern mathematical way to help us understand the economy and facilitate policy making.