A cooperative effort of the Duke HOPE Group and the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Economists' Papers Archive is a world-class collection of the academic papers of important economists of the past and present.
The archive comprises the letters, manuscripts, drafts, and other work products of more than seventy distinguished economists, mostly from the 20th century, including the academic and personal papers of several Nobel prize winners. It is also the official repository of the papers of the American Economic Association and of the editorial records of History of Political Economy. The Archive is actively engaged in acquiring new collections, as well organizing and cataloging existing collections.
We are building a collection of accounts of archival work as a guide to best practices. For existing accounts, please see our section on curating archives. If you are interested in writing an account of your own archival work, please email the HOPE Center.
To Use the Collection
For details of the collection and directions for use, visit the Economists' Papers Archive website. To promote collegiality and contact among historians of economics, scholars visiting Duke to use the Economists' Papers are urged to let Bruce Caldwell know the dates of your visit.
Funding for Young Scholars
The Center for the History of Political Economy provides a grant for up to 6 nights at a local hotel (we will pay the hotel) for young scholars to support their use of the Economists' Papers Archive. To apply for a grant, contact Bruce Caldwell.
Please explore our Visitors Resource Guide for information on visiting and living in Durham.
To Donate Papers to the Project
To contribute papers to the Archives, contact Professor E. Roy Weintraub or Bruce Caldwell.