
Crystal Wong, a participant in the 2011 Summer Institute, is one of the recipients of the 2012 Warren J. and Sylvia J. Samuels Young Scholars prize. The Young Scholars program, started in 2000 as an initiative from Professor Sandra Peart, is designed to support and highlight research by PhD candidates and scholars who have obtained their PhDs within the last two years. Selected participants are given the opportunity to present their work in a special Young Scholars session at the annual HES conference. At the… read more about Crystal Wong Awarded Warren J. and Sylvia J. Samuels Young Scholars prize »

Stefan Kolev, a 2010-11 HOPE Center Visiting Scholar, was appointed Managing Director of the Wilhelm-Röpke-Institute in Erfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 2007 with the goal to contribute to the revitalization of ordoliberal thinking in academia and in the public sphere. Among other activities, it organizes an annual Wilhelm Röpke Lecture, an annual Young Scholars Colloquium on History of Economic Thought, and conferences and seminars on the further development of Constitutional Economics (Ordnungsökonomik). In… read more about Stefan Kolev, 2010-11 Visitor, Appointed Managing Director of the Wilhelm-Röpke-Institute »

Amy Offner, a visiting scholar in the spring of 2010, was hired this fall by the University of Pennsylvania as an assistant professor. During her visit to the Center, Amy worked on the papers of Lauchlin Currie, which are part of the Economists' Papers Project. She completed her dissertation at Columbia University in 2012. read more about Amy Offner, New Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania »

Eddie Nik-Khah, a 2011-12 Research Fellow of the Center, presented in October a paper, "Intellectual Origins of Pharamaceutical Ignorance," at Utrecht University and at the conference of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, which was held in Copenhagen. The paper is part of Eddie's project exploring agnotology, or the cultural production of ignorance. read more about Eddie Nik-Khah Presents Paper on Ignorance to Copenhagen Conference »

Dan Hirschman, a participant in the 2011 and 2012 Summer Institutes, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant from the foundation's Science, Technology, and Society program. A PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Michigan, Dan is writing a dissertation tentatively titled "Inventing the Economy: Or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the GDP." read more about Dan Hirschman Awarded NSF Grant »

Till Dueppe, a HOPE Center Visitor in 2011–12, is organizing a workshop titled "Mathematics and the Transformation of Economics after 1945." The one-day event will take place on November 9 at Humbolt-University Berlin. For more information, including a link to the program, please visit the website of the Economic History department at Humbolt-University Berlin. Till's recent paper on Gerard Debreu, "Gerard Debreu's Secrecy: His Life in Order and Silence," appears in the fall 2012 issue of HOPE. read more about Till Dueppe to Organize Berlin Workshop on Mathematics and Postwar Economics »

The Center for the History of Political Economy has been selected as one of the two 2012 winners for a Templeton Freedom Award in the Special Achievement by a University Based Center category. This award includes a $10,000 prize and a travel grant to attend our Liberty Forum and Freedom Dinner event on October 3rd-4th in New York City. The Templeton Award, named after the investor and philanthropist Sir John Templeton (1912–2008), is given annually by the Atlas Network for contributions to the understanding of… read more about HOPE Center Receives Templeton Award »

Pedro Duarte, along with his colleague Gilberto Tadeu Lima, is the editor of a new collection of articles on the interplay between macroeconomics and microeconomics. Titled Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective, the volume contains essays by many current and former CHOPE visitors and faculty: Kevin D. Hoover, Robert Leonard, D. Wade Hands, Philip Mirowski, and Michel De Vroey. Microfoundations Reconsidered was published by Edward Elgar and can… read more about Pedro Duarte editor of new collection of essays »

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has generously agreed to contribute $16,000 toward the funding of the 2013 HOPE conference. The conference, which is being organized by E. Roy Weintraub (Duke University), will examine MIT and the transformation of American economics. A selection of the conference papers will be published as a supplemental issue of History of Political Economy. The conference will take place April 26-28 on the Duke University campus. read more about Sloan Foundation Grant to Fund 2013 HOPE Conference »

Marcel Boumans has been appointed to the staff of the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics as an associate professor of the history and methodology of economics. He will be a visiting faculty member in the Department of Economics at Duke University in the fall of 2012. Marcel, along with Ariane Dupont-Kieffer and Duo Qin, was the editor of the 2011 HOPE supplement, Histories on Econometrics, published by Duke University Press. read more about Marcel Boumans joins staff at Erasmus Institute »

Aiko Ikeo will present a paper titled "The Americans on Tanzan Ishibashi and His Keynesianism" at the annual conference of Japan's Society for Monetary Economics in Tokyo. The conference takes place in May 2012. She is also organizing a seminar series on Japanese economic history; the main theme for 2012-2013 will be Japanese energy policy thought. The first seminar will take place on May 26. read more about Catching up with Aiko Ikeo »

Matthieu Ballandonne, a student in the 2011 Summer Institute and a recent HOPE Center visitor, has received the Warren and Sylvia Samuels Young Scholars Award. The award provides funds to attend and present a paper at the next History of Economics Society meeting. Matthieu has also received a Young Scholars Grant from the European Society for the History of Economic Thought and a three-month grant to do research at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Science and Technology, which is at the University of… read more about Matthieu Ballandonne receives Warren and Sylvia Samuels award, other honors »

An interview with Gary Becker conducted by Catherine Herfeld will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics. Catherine will be a Research Fellow of the Center in 2012–13. Harro Maas, a 2011–12 Senior Research Fellow, has published "The Photographic Lens: Graphs and the Changing Practices of Victorian Economists" in The Victorian World, edited by Martin Hewitt and published by Routledge in 2012. Alain Marciano has published two articles in the March 2012 issue… read more about New publications by HOPE Center Fellows and Visitors »

Kevin D. Hoover, the editor of History of Political Economy, will be the keynote speaker at the fourteenth Colloque de l'Association Charles Gide pour l'étude de la pensée économique. The conferences, which are organized by GREDEG CNRS, l'ISEM, and the University of Nice–Sophia Antipolis, will take place in Nice on June 7–9, 2012. For more information, please visit the colloque's website. read more about Kevin D. Hoover to be keynote speaker at the XIV Colloque de l’Association Charles Gide  »

"Eat local" may be all the rage in some circles, but a new book by Pierre Desrochers, a 2009-10 Fellow of the HOPE Center, questions the wisdom and viability of the local-food movement. Titled The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000 Mile Diet, the book, which was written with Hiroko Shimizu, makes the case that a globalized food chain is necessary to the well-being of the planet. The Locavore's Dilemma is published by Public Affairs. For more details, visit the publisher's website. read more about New book by Pierre Desrochers looks at the economics of our food supply »

Carol M. Connell, who presented a paper in March 2011 to the Center on Fritz Machlup and the Bellagio Group conference, has a book on the subject scheduled to appear in January 2013. The book, titled Reforming the World Monetary System: Fritz Machlup and the Bellagio Group, will be published by Pickering & Chatto. Professor Connell is an associate professor of finance and business management at Brooklyn College (CUNY). read more about Carol M. Connell to publish book on Machlup and the Bellagio Group »

Stefan Kolev, a 2010-11 HOPE Center Visiting Scholar, was appointed to become Full Professor of Economics and Economic Policy at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau in Saxony, Germany, beginning in March 2012. Stefan obtained his PhD in Economics at the University of Hamburg with a thesis in history of economic thought dealing with the intellectual relationship between ordoliberalism and the Austrian school. For the past five year he worked at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics and the Wilhelm Röpke… read more about Stefan Kolev, 2010-11 Visitor, appointed Full Professor »

Samuli Leppälä, a 2010-11 Visitor of the HOPE Center, has accepted a position with Cardiff Business School as a lecturer in economics. He will join the faculty there in August. Samuli recently completed his PhD at the Turku School of Economics in Turku, Finland. His dissertation was titled "Essays in the Economics of Knowledge." read more about Samuli Leppala, a 2010-11 Visitor, Joins Cardiff Business School »

Two Center Fellows and a participant in the 2011 HOPE conference have produced an edited volume of essays on the economics department at the University of Chicago. The book, which is titled Building Chicago Economics: New Perspectives on the History of America's Most Powerful Economics Program, represents, according to the publisher's website, "the first collective attempt by social science historians to chart the rise and development of the Chicago School during the decades that followed the Second World… read more about New book explores Chicago economics »

Chris Payne, who spent 2009-10 as a Fellow of the HOPE Center, has published The Consumer, Credit, and Neoliberalism: Governing the Modern Economy (Routledge, 2011). According to the publisher's website, the book is "an investigation into the economic policy formulation and practice of neoliberalism in Britain from the 1950s through to the financial crisis and economic downturn that began in 2007-8." Chris traces the conception of the consumer held by economists such as Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek and how… read more about Former HOPE Center Fellow publishes book on neoliberalism in Britain »

Stefan Kolev, a 2010-11 HOPE Center Visiting Scholar, was awarded his PhD in October 2011 from the University of Hamburg, where the last chair officially dedicated to history of economic thought in Germany is located. His dissertation, “Neoliberal Ideas on the State: The Role of Government in Economic Policy in the Oeuvre of Walter Eucken, Friedrich August von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Wilhelm Röpke,” contains three comparative studies of the political economy of neoliberalism, focusing his attention on the role of… read more about Stefan Kolev, 2010-11 Visitor, awarded PhD »

Jason Antrosio, a student in the 2010 Summer Institute, has published "Anthropology and the Economists without History" in anthropologies. Jason is a professor of anthropology at Hartwick (N.Y.) College. "Industrial Symbiosis: Old Wine in Recycled Bottles? Some Perspective from the History of Economic and Geographical Thought," by Pierre Desrochers and Samuli Leppälä, was published in the July 2010 issue of the International Regional Science Review. Pierre… read more about Recent publications by Center Fellows and Visitors »

Danilo Ramalho da Silva, a 2010-11 HOPE Center Fellow, was awarded his PhD in December 2011 from the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil. His dissertation, "Three Approaches to Unemployment: Theoretical, Empirical, and History of Ideas," consisted of four chapters, including one that investigated the work of Robert Lucas, Edmund Phelps, and Milton Friedman on the natural rate of unemployment. Among other things, his thesis concluded that the works of Robert Lucas from the early 1970s stabilized the concept of the natural… read more about Danilo Ramalho da Silva, 2010-11 Fellow, awarded PhD »

Samuli Leppälä, a HOPE Center Visitor during 2010-11, has completed his PhD studies at the Turku School of Economics. His dissertation, titled "Essays in the Economics of Knowledge," consists of five articles: "An Epistemological Perspective on Knowledge Transfers: From Tacitness to Capability and Reliability"; "Knowledge as a Public Good: The Optimal Level of Excludability"; "Hayek on Prices and Knowledge: Supplementing 'The Use of Knowledge in Society' with The Sensory Order"; "The Division of Labor Need Not… read more about PhD awarded to Samuli Leppala, a 2010-11 Visitor  »

William ("Sandy") Darity, who has published several articles in HOPE on the history of macroeconomics, has been given the 2012 National Economic Association's Samuel Z. Westerfield Award. The award recognizes an African-American economist who has distinguished himself or herself through scholarly research, professional achievement, contributions to government, and/or service to the community. Sandy is a professor of public policy, African and African American Studies, and economics at Duke University. For more,… read more about William ("Sandy") Darity awarded the NEA's highest honor »

A paper that will appear in the summer 2012 issue of HOPE has has been awarded the Haralambos Simeonides Prize by the Brazilian Economic Association. The paper, "Furtado and the Structuralist-Monetarist Debate on Economic Stabilization in Latin America," was written by Mauro Boianovsky. The prize is awarded to the best paper in economics by a Brazilian scholar. read more about HOPE paper wins award »

Jose Edwards, a fellow of the Center for 2010-2011, has joined the Government School of Adolfo Ibáñez University, in Santiago, Chile, as Assistant Professor. Jose is the author, along with Sophie Pelle, of "Capabilities for the Miserable; Happiness for the Satisfied," available as Center working paper 2011-05, and his paper titled "Observing Attitudes, Intentions, and Expectations (1945-1973)" will appear in the 2012 supplemental issue of HOPE. Tiago Mata, a fellow of the Center for 2010-2011, has been awarded a 5-… read more about Good news for Center Fellows »

The Hayek Lecture Series is sponsored by the Center for the History of Political Economy, the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program, and the Program in American Values and Institutions. All events are open to the public. Reason magazine editors Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie spoke on September 29 at 4:30 pm in Social Science Room 136 on "The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America". Journalist and author Nicholas Wapshott spoke on November 3 at 3:00 pm in 0012 Westbrook… read more about Hayek Lecture Series - Fall 2011 »