classroom with SI participants

2024 Summer Institute

The Center for the History of Political Economy successfully concluded its annual Summer Institute, held from June 3rd to June 12th, featuring nine intensive days of instruction. This year we welcomed 28 scholars representing diverse disciplines such as economics, philosophy, and technology entrepreneurship from universities across the U.S. and abroad.

Institute scholars immersed themselves in a comprehensive exploration of the History of Political Economy, guided through a rigorous program designed to develop and enhance college-level courses in this field. The Institute was led by four faculty members of the HOPE Center: Jason Brent, Bruce Caldwell, Kevin Hoover, and Steven Medema.

Each day featured two instructive sessions on major themes and figures in the history of economics. Two lunch sessions focused on teaching were also offered. Finally, participants enjoyed a visit to the renowned Rubenstein Library Archives, where many special items from the collection were on display.

The Summer Institute not only deepened scholarly knowledge but also fostered a vibrant community of learning and collaboration among participants.

To see the full program and a list of this year’s participants click here.