2023 HOPE Conference: "Economists at War: How WW2 Changed Economics (and Vice-Versa)"

2023 HOPE Conference: "Economists at War: How WW2 Changed Economics (and Vice-Versa)"

Organized by Ariane Dupont-Kieffer (University of Paris 1), Sylvie Rivot (University of Strasbourg), and Robert W. Dimand (Brock University)

Friday, April 28, 2023

10:15-11:00 Harald Hagemann (University of Hohenheim), "German Emigré Economists in Great Britain and the Analysis of the German War Economy"

11:15-12:00 Michele Alacevich (University of Bologna), "Economic Responses to Nazi Aggression in Europe"

1:30-2:15 R. W. Dimand (Brock University), "Koopmans, Dantzig, and the Wartime Origins of Activity Analysis"

2:30-3:15 Hsiang-Ke Chao (National Tsing Hua University) and Hsiao-ting Lin (Stanford University), "Lauchlin Currie and China's Wartime Finance"

3:30-4:15 Nikolay Nenovsky (Université de Picardie), "Comecon Monetary Mechanism. A history of socialist monetary Integration"

4:30-5:30 Keynote address: Alan Bollard (Victoria University of Wellington), "Japanese Economists at War" (via Zoom)

Saturday, April 29, 2023

10:15-11:00 Pedro Duarte (INSPER, Brazil) and Adriana Calcagno (University of Paris 1, University of Geneva), "How the Discussions on National Accounting and the Adaptation of the National Accounting System Evolved in Argentina and Brazil, and Reached the ECLAC"

11:15-12:00 Marcel Boumans (Utrecht University), "Analysis Without Theory: How the Statistical Research Group Shaped Milton Friedman’s Economic Methodology"

1:30-2:15 Muriel Dal Pont (Université Côte d’Azur) and Katia Caldari (University of Padova), "The Structuration of Expertise in France (1938-1946): From Productivity Calculations to the (First) Planning Principles"

2:30-3:15 Antonella Rancan (University of Molise), "Economic Experts and Applied Macroeconomics in Italy (1945-1960s)"

3:30-4:15 François Allisson (University of Lausanne), "Charles Bettelheim and the Making of a 'Planning Doctor'"