Recent publications by Center Fellows and Visitors

Recent publications by Center Fellows and Visitors

Jason Antrosio, a student in the 2010 Summer Institute, has published "Anthropology and the Economists without History" in anthropologies. Jason is a professor of anthropology at Hartwick (N.Y.) College.

"Industrial Symbiosis: Old Wine in Recycled Bottles? Some Perspective from the History of Economic and Geographical Thought," by Pierre Desrochers and Samuli Leppälä, was published in the July 2010 issue of the International Regional Science Review. Pierre was a Fellow of the Center in 2009-10, and Samuli was a Visitor in 2010-11. Pierre also published "Arguments contre la souveraineté alimentaire et l'agriculture de proximité: Essai de synthèse historique," written with Hiroko Shimizu, in the October 5th, 2010, issue of Possibles. His book, The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet (also written with Hiroko Shimizu), is being published later this year by PublicAffairs.

Hansjoerg Klausinger's "Hayek's Geldtheoretische Untersuchungen: New Insights from a 1925-29 Typescript," was published in 2011 in the European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. A second article, "The Austrian School of Economics and Its Global Impact," was published in volume 20 of Comtemporary Austrian Studies. Hansjoerg was a Fellow of the Center in 2008-9.

Aladár Madarász, a Senior Research Fellow in 2010, published in 2011 "Bubbles and Myths, Crises and Explanations II: The South Sea Company" in Kozgazdasagi Szemle, a Hungarian-language journal.

John D. Singleton, a student in the 2011 Summer Institute, published "'Money Is a Sterile Thing': Martin Luther on the Immorality of Usury Reconsidered" in the winter 2011 issue of HOPE. A link to the abstract may be found here. John is currently a PhD student in the Department of Economics at Duke University.

Rob Van Horn published two articles recently. "Chicago Neoliberalism versus Cowles Planning: Perspectives on Patents and Public Goods in Cold War Economic Thought," written with Matthias Klaes, appeared in 2011 in the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. "Harry Aaron Director: The Coming of Age of a Reformer Skeptic," was published in the winter 2010 issue of HOPE.