Alexander Linsbichler's Newest Publication

German book

Alexander Linsbichler was a visiting scholar at the HOPE Center in Spring 2021, where in April he presented his paper, “The Troubled Relationship between (Austrian) and Economics and Mathmatics.” 

His new book, “Viel Mehr als nur Ökonoimie; Köpfe und Ideen der Österreivhischen Schule der Nationalökonomie (Viel mehr als nur Ökonomie. Köpfe und Ideen der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie) was just released and delves into the history of the origins of the Austrian School of Economics. 

While a literal translation of the title would read “Heads and Ideas of the Austrian School of Economics,” in German Köpfe might more elegantly be translated as referring to a protagonist or main character.  This examination of the Viennese Late Enlightenment will hopefully inspire useful further discussions on the leadership of the School and its legacy. This is his third book publication, which accompanies that of numerous articles and essays.